A legacy is a great way to support a cause so that the work can go on. Please consider leaving some of the remainder of your estate – the residue – to a charity. You not only ensure you pay less Inheritance tax on your estate – but also you help to make the world a better place.

Here are some great causes that need your support:

The British Heart Foundation.
The leading national charity fighting heart and circulatory disease – the UK’s biggest killer. It funds research, education, life-saving equipment and rehabilitation services.

Institute of Cancer Research
A world leading cancer research organisation dedicated to the relief of human suffering, heavily dependent on donations and legacies.

Leonard Cheshire
The Leading provider of care services to disabled people in the UK, supporting over 19,000 people each year.

Works in deprived communities across England to enable individuals marginalised by poverty or disability to reach their full potential.

The leading disability charity, whose focus is on people with cerebral palsy. Scope’s vision is that disabled people achieve equality.

Amnesty International

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If you are a charity and wish to have your charity listed FREE in our affiliate scheme, email us at support@thewillsite.co.uk